Weirdbeard brew co.
Weirdbeard Brew Co. is a craft beer brand based in the U.K. They have requested a redesign of their homepage to better reflect their brand, simplify navigation, and a style it in a way that appeals to a punk scene audience. The logo update was a freebee! The link to the complete high-fidelity website is available for view bellow.
Through out the project, I have made several revisions that I believe bring this brand into the 21st century. Starting with the navigation structure and redesign of their logo. I made their products and delivery service a top priority, making sure they are the most visible to the viewer upon first visiting the homepage. A new section for their events and blog posing updates have been added. The addition of bright yellow for buttons, links, and headings with large and bold typography also helps to give this webpage more "punch" and still retaining its integral roots to the punk scene.